Telephone : 01256 313169
When is the library open?
Opening times may vary and are displayed outside each library. The standard hours for each library are here.
To check availability, please telephone or email ahead of visiting.
Can I join the library?
The four main categories are outlined here. If you are unsure which category may apply to you, please contact us. Some of our libraries allow members of the public to consult (but not borrow) books and journals. For details, please contact us.
How do I join the library?
Please complete our library membership registration form or contact us for a registration form in Word format. By registering with the library service, you agree to our library membership terms and conditions.
What library services are available to me?
The membership categories provide access to a different range of services - find out more here.
Can I use any library in Hampshire Healthcare Library Service (HHLS)?