Terms and conditions

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Website terms and conditions

By entering our site you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Hampshire Healthcare Library Service exists to support NHS staff by providing access to the best possible evidence and knowledge available. Users must only use the site for lawful purposes, and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use of the site by any third party.

We receive no support through advertising or sponsorship, and will not accept any advertising on the website.


Library membership terms and conditions

By registering with the library service you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1. Your data being held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018)

2. Library registration cards, user names and passwords are for your own use and must not be shared with others. It is your responsibility to notify us regarding any changes to your details held by us.

3. Produce your library card in order to borrow items. A charge is made for the replacement of lost, damaged or stolen cards.

4. You accept to be invoiced and give authorisation to have your pay deducted to cover the replacement and any administrative costs for non-returned or damaged items following requests for their return unless we have agreed with you an alternative way of replacing the items

5. You accept responsibility for all items from their issue to you until returned at library desk. This includes items put in the return book bin, and sent via internal/external post.

6. In the event of items not being returned your information may be shared with the Trust, Institution or Academic body that entitles you to use this library.

7. Security systems, including CCTV, are installed at some Library sites. Please note that unauthorised removal or vandalism of Library materials will not be tolerated. The Trust will take action against anyone found abusing the Library resources and penalties are imposed on those who do not adhere to the Library regulations.

8. The use of the library is at the discretion of the library manager and in certain circumstances may be withdrawn.