Telephone : 01256 313169
Healthcare Library (HHLS) Health & Wellbeing Book Collections
Our libraries stock a wide range of books in the area of Health and Wellbeing. There is a huge amount of evidence that supports the value of reading to improve our health and wellbeing.
Click here for a list of books available from our libraries across HHFT and SHFT. You can search our catalogue to find more titles here. We can borrow books from other NHS libraries for you if there is a particular title that you are after that we don’t have.
Download our leaflet to share with colleagues - click here.
Fiction books
At Basingstoke site healthcare library there is a large collection of fiction books that you won’t find on our catalogue, pop in and have a browse. If you find something you like it can be taken away from the library for a charitable donation or perhaps a swap of one of your own books.
We also accept donations of good quality fiction books at Basingstoke, so please feel free to pass on to us titles you’ve enjoyed and want to share with colleagues
The Reading Agency
Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading. The agency recommends books that are chosen by health experts and people living with the conditions covered. There are five book lists available:
A reading list on the evidence of the benefits of bibliotherapy - Bibliotherapy
Staff Wellbeing on Trustnet (HHFT staff only) -
Hampshire and Isle of Wight People Portal - Hampshire & Isle of Wight People Portal
An online resource packed full of free health and wellbeing advice, tips and local services for all those working in the NHS and Primary Care services across Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
Royal Marsden Manual online – Chapter on Self-care Wellbeing for Nurses – HHFT staff only
Access is via the intranet under Online Systems or with your NHS OpenAthens account.
This chapter considers why SELF-CARE for nurses is important and explores specific strategies to maintain wellbeing in the following areas: self-care and wellbeing, mindfulness, eating and drinking and physical wellbeing and musculoskeletal health.
Action for Happiness
Monthly calendars -
10 Keys to Happier living -
Mindfulness for Nurses
The Free Mindfulness Project
MindEd / Health Education England
Menopause Resources
Our Menopause resources leaflet can be found here.
Secret Garden @HFFT (for staff only)
Open between 8am-8pm and accessed through the counselling room (B518) on B level in social work corridor.
TED Talks – The importance of self-care playlist
Too busy to take care of yourself? These talks offer simple ways to stay healthy — both emotionally and physically.
15 benefits of reading
Origami for Beginners – A4 paper
Collection of demonstration videos starting with how to make an origami heart using A4 paper
10 of the world’s best virtual museum and art gallery tours
Art lovers can view thousands of paintings, sculptures, installations and new work online – many in minute detail – as well as explore the museums themselves. There are various platforms: from interactive, 360-degree videos and full “walk-around” tours with voiceover descriptions to slideshows with zoomable photos of the world’s greatest artworks. And many allow viewers to get closer to the art than they could do in real life.